Why PVC Windows and Doors?

PVC Windows and Doors Provide Energy Efficiency.

PVC is the best insulation material among traditional solutions for windows and doors in the market. The table below compares the thermal insulation coefficients for aluminum, PVC and wood. The lower the coefficient is, the higher the energy performance will be.

The Insulation Values of The Windows and Doors.

Egepen Deceuninck PVC Window and Door Systems perfectly balance between energy efficiency and comfort. Based on the thermal and acoustic insulation, higher level of safety, color options inspired by the nature itself, and greater safety, it will give you a different touch to your living space. It is such an investment that will pay back for you and the environment.

PVC Windows and Doors Require Less Maintenance.

Egepen Deceuninck offers a wide range of PVC windows and doors to add a style and value to your home. A durable window that needs less maintenance without discoloration provides a chic and aesthetical appearance that last for years. Maintenance for PVC doors and windows is easy and effortless.

PVC Windows and Doors Provide Sound Insulation.

Acoustic insulation is very important for the noisy living spaces of today’s world. Egepen Deceuninck Windows and Doors incorporate 2-chamber fuses providing better acoustic insulation than those manually inserted. In addition, the existing features of PVC and the multi chamber structure of the products of Egepen Deceuninck transform loud locations with intense traffic noises to perfect living spaces.

News About Us


Egepen Deceuninck Welcomed all the Dealers at an İftar Organization

Egepen Deceuninck, the pioneer of the firsts in the Turkish PVC sector, met its dealers during an iftar held in the Şazeli Restaurant of Istanbul.


The Wind of Egepen Deceuninck During The Eurasian Window Fair

Egepen Deceuninck, the pioneer of the firsts in the PVC sector, exhibited its products during the Eurasian Window Fair that was organized in the TÜYAP Istanbul Fair and Congress Center.


Egepen Deceuninck Continues to Support Sports

Egepen Deceuninck continues to support sports...

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